Design For Good

Drawing a line between the space we inhabit and inclusivity.


Almost nothing influences the quality of our lives more than the design of our spaces. For too long, design has been seen as a luxury, the province of the rich. That can no longer be accepted to those of us in the design fields, nor to those affected by design.

Integrating Design and Culture

With years in interior design, visual design, and media design we envision a world where design is a collaborative, dignified, empathetic process.

UNUM Magazine

This initiative was designed by our team to provide a place to inspire, connect, learn and support each other. The magazine grew out of a desire to create a thoughtful design forward platform and publication that highlights and showcases the stories of diverse women across the globe to elevate and inspire others. Through breathtaking images and rich stories, each woman welcomes us into their “SPACE”, inspiring readers all over the world. Our name, UNUM, taken from the Latin phrase "e pluribus unum," or "out of many, one," centers around the idea that though we are many and individual, as one we are stronger than we can be apart. Learn more here



Interior Spaces

Santa Fe, NM.
Scottsdale, AZ.
Kansas City, MO.
Destin, FL.
Carefree, AZ.
Oaxaca, Mexico